Thursday, February 19, 2015

Baby Essentials (Part 2)

Part two of my new baby essentials list... Oh and some pictures of my cute bambino. Part one is a few posts back. After posting it I thought of some more things that have really helped me, my husband, and the little guy out.

Teething rings
My son has been teething since he was three months old (and got his first tooth the day he turned five months), and these really helped him. They say you're not supposed to put them in the freezer, just the fridge, because they get too cold, but we put them in the freezer anyway. His teething pain was BAD, and the fridge just doesn't get them cold enough to help numb their a mouth a little. I am not a doctor by the way, this is just what I do.

Magic button
We call it Wes' "ipod," and it really is magic because it stops a baby's crying the second you push the button. It's actual name is Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes, but that doesn't give an accurate enough description. It's a little square box with a giant button in the middle, when the baby (or whoever) pushes it, it plays music and lights up. I swear by it, my sister-in-law swears by it, and I have a couple of friends who do too. It's also the #1 bestseller in the "baby musical toys" category.  I don't know what it is about this toy, but it really is magic. He's one now and we still take it with us everywhere.

Saucer or jumper
We bought him the Baby Einstein Rhythm of The Reef Activity Saucer. He was obsessed with it from 4 months old until about nine months when he started walking. He was a little small for it at first, but I just folded up blankets and put them under his feet. It seemed like every week he would discover a new component to the thing, and it would keep him busy for about fifteen minutes at a time. Which is a long time! I would pop him in this while I was making dinner, or I would drag it in the bathroom so I could take a shower.

I started reading to Wes a couple weeks after we got home from the hospital. He didn't pay much attention then, but he absolutely loves reading now. Sometime between 5 and 6 months he started turning the pages, around 11 months he started bringing me books to read (he was walking), and now he points at things in the book so I can tell him what they are. I can not even stress enough how important it is to read to your baby. Not to mention the fact that if you want to have a lazy day it's a great way to keep your baby busy. We once read every book he owns in one sitting.

Stuffed animal
His giraffe came everywhere with us for a long time. Sometimes it was the only thing that would calm him down in the car. It was his little snuggly security object. Now that he is old enough to sleep with a stuffy in his crib, we upgraded him to a stuffed lion he picked out himself. He still loves his giraffe though, so his giraffe is his carseat stuffy, and his lion is his crib stuffy.

Mesh food bags
These help so much with teething. Before he was eating solid food I would put frozen breastmilk in one. Now I use frozen peaches (his favorite). These things are also work well for getting them to eat fruits or vegetables before they have teeth and are able to chew. The holes in the mesh are just large enough to let the juice and smalls fibers through, but small enough that the kid doesn't choke down any large pieces. I think this is what they're actually made for, but I've mostly just used them to help ease teething pain.

Push walker 
A couple days ago I was at the park with Wes, and a guy came up to me and asked how I "trained" him to start walking so young. I definitely don't train him to do anything, and I think kids learn to do things when they are physically and mentally ready. Some walk early like Wes, and others start walking later, but may be doing something else early. I don't there is anything wrong with a baby that starts walking a little later. I wish Wes could have stayed a cuddly little baby that wasn't getting into everything a little longer. Annnnyway, when he asked me that question the only thing I could think of that we did was give him this walker. Did it help him walk sooner? Who knows. He sure did love pushing it around for about 4 months though.

Baby Oatmeal Muffins

At his 12 month doctor's appointment I found out my son is anemic. He's been taking iron supplements for a month now, but I really would like him to be off that and start getting his iron from his food. Baby oatmeal is fortified with iron, and is really good for babies. His doctor recommended that I start feeding it to him, but he's always refused it. He won't let me feed him with a spoon anymore, he doesn't know how to use one yet, and I think he doesn't like the texture or something... It's just never been something he would eat. So I came across a recipe for muffins using the baby oatmeal. While I was making them I was skeptical that he would actually take a bite, but he DID! Not only did he take a bite he ate an entire muffin. No spitting, no throwing, no whining, no stink face... Success!
The Recipe
1 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar ( I used slightly less)
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup dry infant oatmeal cereal*
1/2 cup whole milk
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce**
3 eggs
1 tsp cinnamon

* I used Gerber oatmeal and banana cereal.
** I used one one small apple, steamed, and pureed.

I found the original recipe on Pinterest, but I changed it a little so it had less sugar and more applesauce. Next time I will use a little less flour and a little more oatmeal cereal. The original recipe also called for the ingredients to be mixed and combined in a specific way, but I just went down the list and dumped everything in one bowl.
Here's where it gets a little tricky. I was supposed to put the batter in a 24 count muffin tin, and fill each cup all the way. I used a 12 count non stick muffin tin, and filled each cup halfway.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees, and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn the oven down to 350 degrees and finish baking until a toothpick comes out dry. The original recipe didn't say how long this would take, but in my oven it took slightly less than 10 minutes. The baking time will vary based on your oven

Just a heads up, the batter is very thick and you'll think you need to add more liquid to it, but you don't. Once they finished baking they weren't ass dense as I thought they would be. My 13 month old had no trouble at all gobbling one down.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day

Note to self: Never go to the beach on Valentines day/the hottest day of the year so far/a holiday weekend. We thought we would be smart and go to the beach for lunch, instead of out somewhere for dinner later, but apparently everyone had the same idea. We drove around for over an hour looking for parking. Eventually we said screw it and drove back inland and went to Islands (at least they have a beachy theme). After that we took Wes to a park (probably the best park I've ever been to) and watched him run around. Then we went over to my parents house so he could play with his cousin. My parents were babysitting my niece and nephew. We came home around 7:00, put Wes to bed, and fell asleep on the couch watching Scandal. So yeah, that was our Valentines day... Super romantic. Our little third wheel definitely had the most fun.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday the 13th

Today has been a really good day so far. Wes slept through the night for the FIFTH night in a row (go Wes) and I feel revived. Babies that sleep all night long are a thing of bliss, and these have been the first five nights in a row this has happened since he was born.

We got up at 6:30, he ate crackers and pooped, while watching me drink coffee.

Then we went to IHOP for breakfast. It was actually our first mommy son meal date. I've always been to worried about how he would act to take him to a restaurant by myself, but I figured IHOP, at 7:30, on a weekday morning was a pretty safe place. We shared the 2 x 2 x 2 meal, and he successfully ate off of a plate for the first time (go Wes again).

 Then we went to Ross so I could look for an outfit to wear to my niece's birthday next Sunday. This didn't go over so well; I had to hold him, and he was pulling clothes off hangers the whole time. He HATES shopping with me (just like his dad). Then we went to the park where he climbed, chased other kids, went down the slides, and tried to eat a cigarette butt... Seriously! Who puts a cigarette butt out in the sand of a children's play area?!?! People are disgusting. Now it's 1:00pm and he's an hour and a half into his nap, which will probably be over shortly.

In other news, I got a Twitter account last night. I always said I would never do it, but I did it. When trying to start your own online business you need to utilize whatever tools you can, at least that's what people tell me. Apparently Twitter is popular or something.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

We literally go to the park every day!




Wednesday, February 11, 2015

End Child Nagging & Negotiating

end naggingI thought this was genius. If you have a toddler that asks for something over and over again, you have to read this. Wes doesn't talk yet, so he can't try to negotiate with me, but he can definitely nag. He will point at something he wants (like my phone, remote controls, the computer...) over and over, and gradually get more whinny until he gets it. If we don't give it to him, which the things he wants are usually things he can't have because he will break it or it will hurt him, he cries. I know he's testing and learning, but MAN it is ceaseless some days. He might be a little young to understand this concept, but I will definitely use this technique when he's a little older. Has anyone tried it and had good results? Click on the picture to go to the post, from Positive Parenting Solutions.

Meal Ideas for toddlers

I've been having the hardest time trying to figure out what to feed Wes lately. He REFUSES to eat any vegetables (except sweet potatoes), he'll only eat a couple bites of whatever I give him, and if it's something he's already eaten in the last couple days he won't touch it. I have to vacuum and mop after every single meal because he throws everything on the ground. I dread mealtime because I know he won't eat and it's going to be a mess. What's even more frustrating is that if doesn't eat well I know he's going to be up all night, or wake up super early the next day because he's hungry. I've thought about dropping breastfeeding all together just to get him to eat more, but that just feels mean. Anyway, I came across this list on pinterest, from the Real Life Reality blog, and it has a lot of really good meal ideas that might get him eating, even if it is only a couple bites. I particularly like the idea of making a veggie omelet or baking oatmeal. He is anemic, so I really need to find a way to get him to eat the iron fortified baby oatmeal. Here's a picture of Wes hating pasta. Who hates pasta?!?! Weirdo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

 Today I was looking through pictures of my pregnancy and postpartum body. I'm so glad I kept track of my growing belly, it's really cool to look back on. It's pretty amazing what our bodies can do. It will definitely never be the same (which I'm ok with), my hips and waist are both wider, and my skin is a little more loose... but this belly that once housed an almost eight and a half pound baby has mostly shrunk back down. It took about nine months of breastfeeding, daily walks (sometimes twice daily), lots of water, and carrying around a large baby, but it's happened... even if my pre pregnancy jeans still don't fit (Does anyone still wear their maternity jeans sometimes? Because I do!). Hang in there ladies! It will happen!